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Shell Polymer // MC2

Interactive Experiential Event

We were tasked with designing and developing an interactive virtual tour of a new Shell Polymers facility.

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Our Solution

To shine a spotlight on the sustainability, reliability and innovation behind the new Shell Polymers plant, we deployed a range of interaction modalities including Pufferfish Spheres, touch-screens and gestural arrays which powered gorgeous CGI animations and Shell text, image and video content. These modalities allowed VIP guests to interact with multimedia content under six topic areas, guided by our intuitive UI.

Over the course of five months, in collaboration with an incredible group of creative technologists, Visual Goodness and MC2 created over an hour of animated, video and motion graphic content, designed and developed the UI and backend for the dome experience, and then provided onsite installation and tech support throughout the live event.

See more work samples
  • Defined technical requirements and specifications for hardware solutions provider
  • Designed the UX and UI for each spoke and its corresponding interaction modalities, e.g. Pufferfish, touchscreen, gestural
  • Created nearly one hour of content interweaving Client-provided image and video assets with CGI animation
  • Worked with our interaction technology partners to develop the experience and integrations with their technology platforms and hardware
  • Setup and installation onsite in the dome
  • Onsite support throughout the event
  • Interagency collaboration and communication
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